Sunday, June 22, 2008

30th Birthday yo!!

So, today I turned 30!!

Woop woop!! A new century has begun for me and this is going to be the best one yet. I can feel it in my bones. Everything is going so good for us right now. I have had an absoultely amazing birthday this year. So, last night, Iris, David and his family threw me a big birthday bash. There was tons of food, a lot of his family came, including uncles, cousins, his Mom and Dad, of course, his sisters, his nephew and his girlfriend and her daughter, and some of our friends. We had an awesome time. The only way it could've been better is if all of you guys could've been there to celebrate with us. It made me sad to think about that. I miss you guys so much. I invited Dad, but he wasn't able to come. One of Margie's relatives was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer and all her family was in town because she had to have a mascetomy. =( I understood.

David's Mom and Aunt are amazing cooks and cooked sooo much food. There was chile con carne, spanish rice and beans, chile con queso and chips, salad, green beans, I don't really remember what all there was to be honest but it was all amazing. I was amazed at how many people showed up. A lot of David's uncles and aunts and cousins came, most of which I have only met once, and they all came to celebrate with us even though they don't really know me that well......yet. It was really just an amazing feeling. Everyone talked and laughed, and danced. We even had a pinata that was so fun. David and our friend Cristina got on the roof and held one side of the cable and his nephew, J., held the other side of the rope and were swinging it around all crazy!! I was first to go and at one point, they knocked me down with it!! I came back up swinging though. In my defense, it WAS a really big pinata! It was almost as tall as Iris.

So that was my birthday party. On my actual birthday since Dad and Margie weren't able to come to my party, they took David, Iris and me out to lunch for my birthday. He let me choose and I chose the Greenery, it's one of my favorite restaurants. Here is a picture of Iris and I at the Greenery.

My 30th birthday

So, after lunch we met some friends at the bowling alley and bowled a couple of games, that was also a blast. My arm still hurts. I won 2 out of 3 games, YAY!! Then we were going to go to music under the stars but we decided we were too beat and just stayed home and watched a movie. 10,000 BC. It was alright. It was good, I guess.

I hope everyone's doing good. I miss you and I love you.

1 comment:

Marily said...

Happy Birthday again!!! We love you so much! So glad to hear you had a great day.